About us

DMOND Accelerator started operating in 2014 with the aim of helping start-ups grow.

DMOND’s main activity is to provide services including training, collaborative workspace, Mentorship, infrastructure services and creating a startup team’s growth space, during the 9-month acceleration and pre-acceleration period.

Alongside the main part of DMOND’s activity, there are three complementary activities. On the DMOND Enterprise Innovation Platform, effective collaboration between organizations and startups is possible, in DMONDLAB, soft and hard training from zero to 100 is provided to business stakeholders, and incorporate consulting, companies and Businesses, business consulting and troubleshooting services are provided.

Our goal at DMOND is to help grow and thrive entrepreneurs, web and mobile developers and designers who want to make a difference in the world around them, create a world-class business and build a better world.

If you too dream of change and success, join our family to create this dream.


DMOND's core value in its extensive network of professional, expert and efficient mentors. Get to know DMOND's teams and mentors

Nioosha Mohamadnia Financial Manager

Where we stand is a result of the hard work, dedication, and effort of the DMOND team

Behrouz Pourkhorshidi

Senior Product Manager at Snapp.ir

Sogol Rasouli

Chief Investment Officer at MANA Advisory Group

Rouzbeh shahrokhi

Member Board Of Directors at Fanafarini Salamat Venture Capital

Hamed Asadi
Hamed Asadi

member of Iran Blockchain Labs

Aidin Ziapour

IBM Design Thinking Co-Creator Certified

Arman Safayi

Business Developer at Yektanet

Mansoor Kiarash

Marketing Manager at Skan Puya Teb Holding

Hossein Agharezaei

CTO at Falnic 

Asal Zeynalnia

Co-Founder at OnWayPay

DMOND Startups

We have provided pre-acceleration services to more than 350 startup teams so far and teams you see here are the ones who successfuly got investment.

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