- Media and AdvertisingField:
- Year:2017
- Status :Active
- Branch :tehran
Vidiwood is an online platform for creating different kind of motion graphics and render in only few minutes. There are over 200 different themes in vidiwood such as birthday themes, advertise, marriage, babies and business themes that you can choose, customize and buy.
You can use videos with watermark in freemium platform or download high quality ones buy paying a price less than 10% of other video makers.
The team is working on a feature to let users create their own scenario and make it real in motion graphics.
Team members

Alireza Jamshidi

Akram Gharegozlo

Pooya Gilanmard
Content strategist

Hamid Siyavashi

Maryam Hemati bahar
Theme Designer

Soroush Asaadi

Yashar Rakei
Chief Executive Officer